Same secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the messages exchanged among them. 使用同一个秘密密钥加密和解密在它们之间交换的消息。
The encryption algorithm is architecture and language-independent. However, both the sender and the receiver must know the secret key. 加密算法独立于架构和语言,不过,发送者和接收者均必须知道秘密密匙。
This policy specifies encryption of message bodies sent in both directions, using a client-generated secret key. 这个策略使用客户端生成的保密密钥来规定发送到两个方向的消息体加密方式。
How can you establish such a secret key? 您可以如何创建这样一个保密密钥呢?
This element's content gives a secret key in encrypted form, using the server's public key to do the encryption. 这个元素的内容提供了一个加密了的秘密密匙,使用了服务器的公开密匙执行加密。
This secret key is known only to the user and the security server. 此秘密密钥只有该用户和安全服务器知道。
Receiving the reply from KDC, client then decrypts the message using its own secret key. 客户端接收KDC的回复,然后使用自己的秘密密钥解密消息。
If satisfied, the SSL Client sends the secret key that will be used to encrypt further exchanges. 如果通过验证,SSL客户机就发送秘钥,该秘钥将被用于对进一步的交换加密。
It involves usage of a secret key which is shared by the server and the client. 它涉及使用在服务器和客户端之间共享的秘密密钥。
The Client decrypts the message from the authentication service using client secret key. 客户端使用它的秘密密钥解密来自身份验证服务的消息。
It is encrypted under the secret key of the target server. 它使用目标服务器的秘密密钥进行了加密。
Amazon requires each request to be signed using a secret key that only you know. Amazon需要使用一个只有您知道的密钥对每个请求进行签名。
To reach the intended client, this response message is encrypted using the client secret key. 为了传送到期望的客户端,此响应消息使用客户端秘密密钥进行加密。
As part of the account-creation process, you also need to create some credentials: an access key and a secret key ( think username and password). 在创建帐户的过程中,您还需要创建凭据:访问密钥和秘密密钥(就像用户名和密码)。
In the previous section, we exchanged a secret key. 在前一节中,我们交换了一个秘钥。
As with any access information, it is imperative that you keep your secret key* secret. 和任何访问信息一样,都必须保管好您的秘密密钥。
The authentication service gets the PSTkt request and decrypts it using its secret key. 身份验证服务获取PSTkt请求,使用其秘密密钥解密它。
You must have possession of the other blob ( the secret key). 您必须拥有另一部分(秘密密钥)。
The SSL Server decrypts and stores the secret key, using its private key. SSL服务器使用它的私钥对秘钥解密并存储它。
The entire TGT is encrypted with the secret key of authentication service. 整个TGT使用身份验证服务的秘密密钥加密。
The user supplies a secret key ( password) to the security server to prove its identity. 用户向安全服务器提供一个秘密密钥(密码)来证明其身份。
The accounts department will need to decrypt the payment information in the purchase order using a pre-exchanged secret key. 会计部门要使用一个预先交换的秘钥对采购订单中的支付信息解密。
Secret key cryptography is one of the most important technologies in distributed systems security. 秘密密钥加密是分布式系统安全机制中一种最重要的技术。
Now the privilege service copies this information into a TGT and encrypts it using the authentication service's secret key. 现在,特权服务将此信息复制到TGT中,并使用身份验证服务的秘密密钥加密它。
Kerberos was designed based on secret key cryptography and using trusted third party authentication. Kerberos是根据秘密密钥加密并使用可信第三方身份验证而设计的。
The first scheme couldn't resist forgery attack while the secret key of the proxy signer was lost. 当代理人的私钥泄露后,前向安全的代理签名方案不能抵抗伪造攻击;
The first time the transponder is adapted, its secret key is programmed. 收发器第一次自适应时,会对其“密钥”进行编程。
The secret key is used both for encryption and for decryption. 机密密钥既用于加密,也用于解密。
In public-key systems there's no need to find a safe channel for communicating a shared secret key. 在公开密钥系统中,无需找一条传送共享秘密密钥的安全通道。